Уровень: | Бакалавриат |
Размер стипендии: | Полное покрытие |
Максимальная длительность: | 99 месяцев |
Уровень: | Бакалавриат |
Размер стипендии: | Полное покрытие |
Максимальная длительность: | 99 месяцев |
The Cambridge Trust offers a small programme of scholarships for undergraduate students who are set at the Overseas fee rate.
Most of the Trust's scholarships are part-cost awards which will pay only part of the cost of studying in Cambridge. Use the scholarship search to find the awards for which you may be eligible.
Дедлайн: n/a
Примечания: no info
Most of the Trust's scholarships are part-cost awards which will pay only part of the cost of studying in Cambridge.
The eligibility requirements for part-cost scholarships are: significant academic achievement and potential financial need