These scholarships are intended to encourage and support doctoral study (PhD) at Victoria University of Wellington.
These scholarships are open to graduates of any university within or outside of New Zealand who intend to enrol full time for a Doctorate (PhD) or who have commenced their doctoral study at Victoria University of Wellington.
The scholarships are offered to the top ranked candidates in any Doctoral admission and scholarship application round throughout the year. To be considered for a Wellington Doctoral Scholarship the applicant must have a strong academic record and excellent academic references, or:
- demonstrated potential for high quality research; or
- a record of publication in high quality journals commensurate with experience and education.
Please note: It is very important to refer to the website for regulations and further process requirements regarding an application for this scholarship.
Tenure: Scholarships will normally be tenable for three years. For a student who has already been enrolled for a Doctorate at Victoria University of Wellington for more than three months at the time when the offer of a Scholarship is made, the maximum length of tenure of the Scholarship will be reduced at the discretion of the Victoria University Research Scholarships Committee.