Уровни: Бакалавриат, Магистратура
Размер стипендии: Частичное покрытие
Максимальное покрытие: 20000  AUD
Дедлайн: 09.12.2025
Максимальная длительность: 48  месяцев

The UNSW Business School International Scholarship scheme is established for high performing international students who are applying to an undergraduate or postgraduate degree program offered by UNSW Business School.

Scholarships will be awarded in two categories and the number of scholarships available for students commencing in Term 1

  • Undergraduate. 10 undergraduate scholarships available at $5,000 per annum for minimum duration of program paid against tuition fees.
  • Business

$5,000 available for Duration of program (minimum)


To be eligible, applicants must meet all of the following criteria:

  • International only (who are not a permanent resident of Australia/Australian Citizen)
  • Any UNSW undergraduate (single/dual) or postgraduate (Master) coursework degree program offered by UNSW Business School, excluding those offered by AGSM.
  • Must have received an offer of admission* by Sunday, 9 December and be commencing an eligible undergraduate or postgraduate coursework degree program offered by UNSW Business School.
  • Undergraduate applicants must have completed an assessable Senior Secondary School qualification immediately prior to commencing study at UNSW and not have undertaken prior tertiary study.
  • Not be in receipt of the UNSW Business School International Pathways Award.
  • Must be commencing full-time studies in Term 1


Each applicant will be assessed on their ability to demonstrate:

  • Academic Merit
  • Leadership skills (school, workplace or community)
  • Extra-curricular activities (sporting, cultural activities, volunteer/work experience)
  • Aptitude and commitment to studying a degree in the UNSW Business School

Shortlisted applicants are not required to attend an interview.
