Уровень: Магистратура
Размер стипендии: Частичное покрытие
Максимальное покрытие: 750  EUR
whole period of study
Дедлайн: 01.07.2025

This programme is designed to further qualify future leaders in politics, law, economics and administration according to the principles of Good Governance and to prepare them in a praxis-oriented course for their professional life. The programme offers very good graduates with a first university degree the chance to obtain a Master’s degree in disciplines that are of special relevance for the social, political and economic development of their home country. With this programme, DAAD intends to contribute to the support of Good Governance and civil society structures in selected partner countries and regions.

Дедлайн: 01.07.2025

Примечания: varies, Jul-Aug

  • Business Administration
  • Economics
  • Law
  • Political Science & International Relations

Максимальное покрытие: 750  EUR

Квота: whole period of study

DAAD pays a monthly scholarship rate of currently 750 €. The scholarship also includes contributions to health insurance in Germany. In addition, DAAD grants an appropriate travel allowance as well as a study and research subsidy and in applicable cases rent subsidies and / or family allowances. DAAD-scholarship holders are exempt from tuition fees.

DAAD scholarship holders within the Helmut-Schmidt-Programme are exempted from tuition fees. DAAD pays a monthly scholarship rate of currently 861 €. The scholarship also includes contributions to health insurance in Germany, appropriate travel allowance, a study and research subsidy as well as rent subsidies and/or allowances for spouses and/or children where applicable.

Please submit your applications for the selected master`s courses and for the DAAD scholarship to the respective universities only (not to DAAD). You must indicate that you are applying for the DAAD Helmut-SchmidtProgramme (Master’s scholarships for Public Policy and Good Governance). The application period at all 8 universities lasts from 1 June – 31 July 2021.

The scholarships are awarded for selected Master courses at German institutions of higher education listed below:

• Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg: MA Analysis and Design of Social Protection Systems (Blended-learning)
•  University of Duisburg-Essen: MA Development and Governance
•  Willy Brandt School of Public Policy at the University of Erfurt: Master of Public Policy (MPP)
•  Universität Magdeburg: Peace and Conflict Studies (MA)
•  Hochschule Osnabrück: Management in Non-Profit Organisations
•  Universität Passau: Development Studies (MA)
•  University of Passau: Master of Governance and Public Policy
•  University of Potsdam: Master of Public Management (MPM)