Университет Shaping Futures Scholarships
Нужны тесты: IELTS, TOEFL
Размер стипендии: Частичное покрытие
Максимальное покрытие: 4000  AUD
Дедлайн: 06.03.2026

The Shaping Futures Scholarship Fund was established in 2011 with the aim of helping those students who are most in need.

To be eligible for a Shaping Futures Scholarship students need to be academically capable but also facing educational disadvantage such as financial hardship, relocation from a regional or remote area, a long term or recurrent medical condition or illness, carer or sole parenting responsibilities, an asylum seeker recently completing a UON enabling program, or a combination of these factors. It is hoped that the Shaping Futures Scholarships will provide much needed support for students to continue to overcome disadvantage and maintain their achievements.

These scholarships are funded entirely by generous donations from alumni, donors, staff, businesses and the community, and funds are continually sought via the Shaping Futures Appeal.

Successful applicants may be offered a Shaping Futures Scholarship from the broader scholarship fund or one of the following, individually funded scholarships of the same value:

  • Archie and Phyllis McMillen Shaping Futures Scholarship in Teaching, Law or Science
  • Cant Family Shaping Futures Scholarships in Engineering (4)
  • Castle Personnel Shaping Futures Disability Scholarship - Callaghan
  • Castle Personnel Shaping Futures Disability Scholarship - Central Coast
  • Duncan Cruickshank Shaping Futures Scholarship in Pharmacy
  • Faculty of Education and Arts Shaping Futures Scholarship
  • Gladys Tyrrell Shaping Futures Scholarship in Medicine
  • Glen Avery Memorial Shaping Futures Scholarship
  • Godfrey Tanner Shaping Futures Scholarship
  • Janet Copley Women in Humanities and Social Sciences Shaping Futures Scholarship
  • John Singleton Central Coast Shaping Futures Scholarship
  • Larapinta Trail Challenge Indigenous Shaping Futures Scholarship (5)
  • Paul Munro Shaping Futures Scholarship in Visual Arts
  • Professor Alan Roberts Shaping Futures Scholarship in Engineering (2)
  • Shaping Futures Scholarship for Students Impacted by Drought (2)
  • Student Living Shaping Futures Scholarships (4)
  • Tiffany See Shaping Futures Scholarship for Women in STEM
  • Val Clark Shaping Futures Scholarship in Social Work
  • Applied Sciences & Professions
  • Business
  • Economics
  • Education
  • Engineering & Technology
  • Humanities
  • Law
  • Life Sciences, Medicine & Health
  • Management
  • Natural Sciences

The scholarship provides a benefit of $4000 to be paid as a lump sum following selection and after Semester 1 census date (during April).

The number of scholarships available is indicative only. The actual number of scholarships awarded will vary according to the funding raised in each academic year.

To be eligible to apply for this scholarship you must meet the following criteria:

  • Be enrolled in any year of an undergraduate degree program at the University of Newcastle.
  • Be enrolled full-time.
  • Demonstrate sound academic performance either by ATAR required for entry to your program or progression through your degree and/or enabling subjects with no failed units.
  • Demonstrate that you are affected by educational disadvantage, such as carer or sole parent, financial hardship, English language difficulty, Indigenous Australian, long term medical condition, disability, refugee status, regional/remote disadvantage.
  • Not be the recipient of another UON Donor-funded or sponsored scholarship concurrently.

If documentation is not provided your application will not be processed. Please have all required documents available for upload as PDF, DOC, DOCX, JPEG, or JPG files prior to completing the online application process.

  • A written statement (approx 1 A4 page) outlining your academic achievement to date, experience of educational disadvantage, and how this scholarship would assist you and your career aspirations.
  • Any documents supporting your claims (such as CV, evidence of achievements, centrelink income statement). 

Selection will be based on assessment of the scholarship application and any required supporting documents. Applications will be ranked against the criteria and offers made to the applicants who best meet the eligibility criteria.

Students will need to indicate whether they are a resident in UON on-campus accommodation to be considered for the Student Living Shaping Futures Scholarships. At least one of these named scholarships will be offered to an eligible resident of Edwards Hall.

Interviews may be arranged if required.
