Университет Scholarships by SLU
Уровень: Магистратура
Нужны тесты: IELTS, TOEFL
Размер стипендии: Только обучение
Максимальное покрытие: 260000  SEK
Дедлайн: 15.01.2026

All students applying for a Master’s programme in time (before 15th of January) as an SLU option as their top priority will receive information about how to apply for a scholarship. If you do this you will receive information about the application procedure just a couple of days after the application deadline. You will receive the necessary information around the 20th of January, and the deadline for sending in your application will be in the beginning of February. A scholarship offered by SLU covers tuition fees only. The number of scholarships awarded changes from year to year. 

  • Agriculture, Forestry, Animal & Related Sciences
  • Environmental Sciences
  • Natural Sciences

For students on Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes, the fee covers a full-time study load, or 30 credits per semester. If you intend to take more than 30 credits, you will be required to pay additional tuition fees.