Уровень: Магистратура
Нужны тесты: IELTS, TOEFL
Размер стипендии: Частичное покрытие
Максимальное покрытие: 5000  EUR
Дедлайн: 01.03.2026

The Talent Grant is financed by the Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies. The scholarship is aimed at international students from OUTSIDE the European Economic Area (EEA) who want to do their Master’s in Theology and Religious Studies. The EEA consists of the EU countries and Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.


Theology and Religious Studies (research), Religion, Conflict and Globalization MA, Religion and Pluralism MA, Religion and Cultural Heritage MA, Religion, Health and Wellbeing MA

  • Religious Studies and Theology

The grant is € 5.000,- and is awarded for a 1 year Master’s degree programme in Theology and Religious Studies

Students from countries outside the EU/EEA who have been admitted to one of the tracks of the Master's programme in Theology & Religious Studies:

  1. MA Religion and Pluralism: Ancient & Modern;
  2. MA Religion, Conflict and Globalization;
  3. MA Religion and Cultural Heritage.

Candidates should:

  1. Hold a non-EU/EEA passport and will not be eligible for support under the Dutch system of study grants and loans (" Studiefinanciering ")
  2. Have obtained conditional admission to one of the three MA tracks in Theology and Religious Studies;
  3. H ave excellent academic performance and grades during their bachelor/ undergraduate studies;
  4. Not have already obtained a master’s degree from an educational institution in the Netherlands;
  5. Have excellent English language proficiency, in accordance with the admission requirements of the program;
  6. Be available for the whole period of the programme and be able to take part in the entire programme;
  7. Confirm in writing their agreement with the of the grant when awarded with the Talent Grant.

To apply for the Talent Grant, you should f ill in theapplication form and add the following documents:

  1. Copy of your University of Groningen (conditional) admission letter to the MA Theology and Religious Studies programme from the Admission Board;
  2. Recommendation letter by a PhD or Professor from your current/last degree programme;
  3. Transcript of Records from your current/last degree programme;
  4. Letter of motivation (in Word) of a maximum of 500 words, in which you indicate why you believe you should be considered for this grant;
  5. Curriculum Vitae.

Please note As the Talent Grant does not amount to a full scholarship, you should acquire additional funding in order to fully finance your study. One of the requirements for being granted a residence permit in the Netherlands is that students must submit proof that they have sufficient financial means to finance their study period in the Netherlands. The University of Groningen advises a budget, not including the tuition fee, of approx. € 10.000 to € 14.000 per year to cover the costs for rent, insurance, living expenses, course books and local transportation. How much money students actually spend will of course depend on their life style and spending habits.
