Уровень: Магистратура
Нужны тесты: IELTS, TOEFL
Размер стипендии: Полное покрытие
Максимальное покрытие: 31200  EUR
Максимальная длительность: 24  месяцев

Scholarships offered by Lappeenranta University of Technology Scholarship Programme are awards for academic excellence, targeting top students from all counties outside the EU/EEA countries and Switzerland.

You are able to apply for a scholarship in this scholarships programme, if required to pay a tuition fee for studying in a LUT Master's Programme taught in English.  

  • Biomedicine
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Economics
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Engineering & Technology
  • Engineering Physics
  • Environmental Sciences
  • Materials Engineering
  • Physics

Максимальное покрытие: 31200  EUR


LUT offers scholarships as follows in three different categories for students admitted for the academic year of 2018-2019:

  • 50% Tuition Fee Scholarship
    • Covering for 50% of the tuition fees in a 2-year Master's Programme
      30% of the admitted students who are required to pay a tuition fee and have applied for a scholarship will get this scholarship.
  • 100% Tuition Fee Scholarship
    • Covering for 100% of the tuition fees in a 2-year Master's Programme
      35-40% of the admitted students who are required to pay a tuition fee and have applied for a scholarship will get this scholarship.
  • Full Scholarship
    • Covering for 100% of the tuition fees in a 2-year Master's Programme and the living costs for EUR 5 600,00 per year
      0-5% of the admitted students who are required to pay a tuition fee and have applied for a scholarship will get this scholarship.


In most of the Master's Programmes, there is one Finland Scholarship offered per each programme for the first academic year.

Finland Scholarship for the first academic year includes the following:

  • Full cover for a tuition fee plus,
  • EUR 5 000 for the living costs

The criteria for awarding the Finland Scholarship is decided within each programme according to their own preferences.

The scholarship can be applied for on the application form when applying to the programme.

If awarded a Finland Scholarship, the offered place in the programme must be confirmed within 14 days after having been e-mailed the Certificate of Admission and the Scholarship Decision.


When required to pay a tuition fee, you can apply for

  • a scholarship of EUR 6 000 for the second academic year

if meeting with the requirement of having completed a minimum of 60 ECTS credits of studies included in the personal study plan during the first academic year.

With a possible scholarship the tuition fee is EUR 7 500 for the second academic year.

The required ECTS credits must be included on your Transcript of Records by the end of the first academic year i.e. by July 31.

All the students granted with a scholarship are required to study full time i.e. complete a minimum of 55 ECTS credits per year to fulfill the scholarship requirements. Meaning, that in order to qualify for the scholarship to be granted for the second academic year as well, the student must complete a minimum of 55 ECTS credits of studies included in the personal study plan in the first academic year. The studies must be listed on the Transcript of Records by the end of the first academic year. The progress for the students' studies will be monitored each semester.

How to Apply for a Scholarship?

  • You are able to apply for a scholarship if being required to pay tuition fees for studying in a LUT Master's Programme.
  • The candidates for being granted with a scholarship are selected by the LUT Schools.
  • You can apply for a scholarship on the same application form when applying for the Master's Programme.
  • You will apply for a scholarship in general, not for a scholarship in a certain category. No additional documents for applying for the scholarship are required or even considered.
  • There is no specific or detailed criteria for being eligible to apply for a scholarship: You are eligible to apply for a LUT scholarship if being required to pay LUT tuition fees.
  • A certain number of scholarships for each programme will be granted in the order of the highest points achieved in the academic evaluation during the admission process.
  • Preliminary statements about anybody's chances on possibly being awarded with a scholarship or not unfortunately, cannot be given as it all depends on the other applicants as well.