Университет Computational Linguistics Scholarship
Размер стипендии: Полное покрытие
Максимальное покрытие: 10050  EUR
Дедлайн: 31.05.2025
Максимальная длительность: 24  месяцев

The Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, grants three scholarships to a highly qualified applicant in the Master's Programme in Computer Science – Language Technologies and Computational Linguistics (language of instruction: English).

  • Computer Science & IT
  • Humanities

Максимальное покрытие: 10050  EUR

Квота: 2

The Scholarship includes direct coverage of tuition fees for the academic years 2018/2019 and 2019/2020, which amounts to 84 000 CZK (around 3 240 EUR) per academic year for students from the EU, and 140 000 CZK (around 5 400 EUR) per academic year for students outside the EU), and a contribution to living expenses of 110 000 CZK (around 4250 EUR) per academic year, plus a contribution to travel expenses up to 400 EUR. Payment details are described in the Scholarship Award Agreement.

he Scholarship includes direct coverage of tuition fees for the academic year, which amounts to 84 000 CZK (around 3 290 EUR) per academic year for students from the EU, and 140 000 CZK (around 5 490 EUR) per academic year for students outside the EU), and a contribution to living expenses of 120 000 CZK (around 4 700 EUR) per academic year, plus a contribution to travel expenses up to 400 EUR. Payment details are described in the Scholarship Award Agreement.

To apply for the CLS, you have to apply for the Master's Programme in Computer Science – Language Technologies and Computational Linguistics using the Student Information System of the Charles University, and accompany your application with the following documents:

(i) curriculum vitae;
(ii) motivation letter;
(iii) list of publications (if applicable);
(iv) transcript(s) of records;
(v) application for the CLS (no prescribed form);
(vi) two letters of recommendation from academic supervisors or employers.

All these documents must be written in or translated into English. Documents under (i)-(iv) should be uploaded (preferred format of documents is pdf) to the Student Information System of the University, see the previous paragraph. The CLS application (v) a should be sent to the email addresses cls@ufal.mff.cuni.cz and admission@mff.cuni.cz,  and the candidate should arrange for letters of recommendation (vi) to be sent directly by his/her referees to the email addresses cls@ufal.mff.cuni.cz and admission@mff.cuni.cz as well.  It is the candidate's responsibility to ensure that the letters of recommendation are sent by the deadline for submitting application.
