Местные:$ 63.3 тыс. / год
Иностранцы:$ 63.3 тыс. / год
Местные:$ 63.3 тыс. / год
Местные:$ 52.1 тыс. / год
Местные:$ 52.2 тыс. / год
Местные:$ 63.3 тыс. / год
Иностранцы:$ 38.5 тыс. / год
Исследования Восточной Азии и Тихоокеанского региона
East Asian and Pacific Rim Studies
Местные:$ 9.78 тыс. / год
Иностранцы:$ 17.4 тыс. / год
Местные:$ 46.8 тыс. / год
Иностранцы:$ 46.8 тыс. / год
Местные:$ 46.8 тыс. / год
Иностранцы:$ 46.8 тыс. / год
Местные:$ 46.8 тыс. / год
Иностранцы:$ 46.8 тыс. / год
Местные:$ 46.8 тыс. / год
Иностранцы:$ 46.8 тыс. / год
Местные:$ 46.8 тыс. / год
Иностранцы:$ 46.8 тыс. / год
Местные:$ 46.8 тыс. / год
Иностранцы:$ 46.8 тыс. / год
Местные:$ 48.9 тыс. / год
Иностранцы:$ 48.9 тыс. / год
Местные:$ 48.9 тыс. / год
Иностранцы:$ 48.9 тыс. / год
Местные:$ 7.94 тыс. / программа
Иностранцы:$ 13.4 тыс. / программа
Местные:$ 5.48 тыс. / программа
Иностранцы:$ 12.6 тыс. / программа
Местные:$ 45.8 тыс. / год
Иностранцы:$ 45.8 тыс. / год
Местные:$ 8.04 тыс. / год
Иностранцы:$ 8.04 тыс. / год
Местные:$ 13.7 тыс. / год
Иностранцы:$ 28 тыс. / год
Иностранцы:$ 16.3 тыс. / семестр
Южно-Дакотский государственный университет
South Dakota State University
Брукингс, Соединённые Штаты
Местные:$ 7.89 тыс. / год
Иностранцы:$ 18 тыс. / год
Иностранцы:$ 16.3 тыс. / семестр
Языки и литература Африки, Ближнего Востока и Южной Азии
African, Middle Eastern, and South Asian Languages and Literatures
Местные:$ 13.7 тыс. / год
Иностранцы:$ 28 тыс. / год
Южно-Дакотский государственный университет
South Dakota State University
Брукингс, Соединённые Штаты
Местные:$ 8.04 тыс. / год
Иностранцы:$ 18 тыс. / год
Азиатские и ближневосточные языки и литература
Asian and Middle Eastern Languages and Literatures
Местные:$ 46.8 тыс. / год
Иностранцы:$ 46.8 тыс. / год
Местные:$ 46.8 тыс. / год
Иностранцы:$ 46.8 тыс. / год
Местные:$ 46.8 тыс. / год
Иностранцы:$ 46.8 тыс. / год
Местные:$ 49.6 тыс. / год
Местные:$ 68.1 тыс. / год
Иностранцы:$ 68.1 тыс. / год
Университет Северной Каролины в Чапел-Хилл
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Чапел-Хилл, Соединённые Штаты
Местные:$ 24.9 тыс. / год
Иностранцы:$ 52.5 тыс. / год
Местные:$ 60.1 тыс. / год
Иностранцы:$ 60.1 тыс. / год
Лучшие ВУЗы по специальности Этнические исследования в Соединённые Штаты (USA)

Программы бакалавриата по специальности Этнические исследования в Соединённые Штаты (USA)

The Bachelor of Arts requires the successful completion of 24 subjects 300 points in total with subjects usually wor...
Description African Studies is a broad degree programme which combines arts and social science approaches. Most o...
Description Choose from the BA, Diploma or Certificate If you know from the outset that you can't, or don't want....
Description BA American (United States) Studies is for all those with enthusiasm, passion and intellectual curios...
The Master program in Baroque Renaissance Singing is taught at the Girolamo Frescobaldi Conservatory of Music. The unive...
Description The Bachelor of Arts diploma consists of two branches of study to be chosen from the list....
The Bachelor program in Baroque Renaissance Singing is taught at the Conservatory of Music Ghedini. The university is lo...
The Bachelor program in Art, culture and communication economics and management is taught at the University School at th...
The Bachelor program in Baroque Renaissance Singing is taught at the Arrigo Boito Conservatory of Music. The university....
The Department of Near Eastern Studies(link is external) offers a liberal arts major designed to give students competenc...
Программы магистратуры по специальности Этнические исследования в Соединённые Штаты (USA)

The course allows students to specialise in Solo Performance with further training in up to three complimentary areas.Th...
COMBINING THEORY WITH PRACTICE The MA programme in Sustainable Heritage Management at Aarhus University provides you w...
At the beginning of the 21st century, the cultural sector was playing an increasingly significant role in public policie...
EUROPEAN STUDIES, EUROPEAN CONNECTIONS Europe is becoming more and more important. As Europeans become more closely co...
Advertisement The IMESS programme, recognised for its excellence by the European Union s Erasmus Mundus Programme, of...
Advertisement The master of science in business, language and culture offers you the opportunity of extending your kn...
This specialization focuses on human mobility in the past and the present. We look at history as the history of a mobile...
The Euroculture Joint-Degree Programme is an inter-university project. Students spend the first semester at the Georg-Au...
Advertisement Our highly successful MA Translation Studies attracts a wide range of well-qualified international and....
Advertisement A Masters Programme for those who want to trade and negotiate with the most important trade partner of....
Самые популярные программы по специальности Этнические исследования в Соединённые Штаты (USA)

The course allows students to specialise in Solo Performance with further training in up to three complimentary areas.Th...
COMBINING THEORY WITH PRACTICE The MA programme in Sustainable Heritage Management at Aarhus University provides you w...
At the beginning of the 21st century, the cultural sector was playing an increasingly significant role in public policie...
EUROPEAN STUDIES, EUROPEAN CONNECTIONS Europe is becoming more and more important. As Europeans become more closely co...
The Bachelor of Arts requires the successful completion of 24 subjects 300 points in total with subjects usually wor...
Advertisement The IMESS programme, recognised for its excellence by the European Union s Erasmus Mundus Programme, of...
Advertisement The master of science in business, language and culture offers you the opportunity of extending your kn...
Description African Studies is a broad degree programme which combines arts and social science approaches. Most o...
This specialization focuses on human mobility in the past and the present. We look at history as the history of a mobile...
The Yale Baltic Studies Program is an interdisciplinary forum for the study of the Baltic Sea region, with an emphasis o...
Программы докторантуры по специальности Этнические исследования в Соединённые Штаты (USA)

The Yale Baltic Studies Program is an interdisciplinary forum for the study of the Baltic Sea region, with an emphasis o...
This programme is designed to provide international students with both advanced academic knowledge and practical skills....
The aim of our graduate program is to further interest, knowledge, and scholarship relating to Russia, Slavic Central Eu...
Princeton s Ph.D. program in East Asian Studies (EAS) has long been recognized as one of the leading graduate programs i...
Description Advertisement Learning Goal 1 for Students: attain and demonstrate the fundamental knowledge of French...
Description Advertisement The School of Welsh is well-known for its academic research and is one of the leading ce...
Description Advertisement Special Features * We encourage our PhD students to gain teaching experience, however ap...
Cultural Studies in Asia is a field of teaching and research which challenges conventional disciplinary boundaries to re...
Description Advertisement The University of Essex is one of the UK's leading academic institutions, ranked ninth n...
It is possible to study for a DPhil (doctorate) in English Local History by part-time research. Students undertaking the...