StudyQA — Personalised online-marketing

Digital marketing has conquered the world and the sector of higher education is not an exception. The majority of universities and institutes responded about the use of digital marketing as a way to attract new students and engage with old ones.
More and more higher education providers have reported high success rate of their digital marketing campaigns.
But digital marketing is constantly developing and it's getting harder to affect modern students, who are more aware of online marketing techniques. The overwhelming majority of educational marketing departments understand that both computer and smartphone easy-to-use and accessibility are compulsory features of digital marketing techniques. But the real question is, which marketing strategies yield better results?
Actually they all do. The plus side of digital marketing is that digital mediums enable to use creativity and personification in such a big way as never before.
Digital marketing allows you to keep up to date and engage with students directly. But with so many digital marketing tools to choose from, it can be difficult to identify the most relevant approaches for your individual needs, leaving university marketing professionals frustrated by a surplus of options.
Digital marketing is an a perpetually evolving process and every day there is a new channel or technology requiring the attention of marketers. What we really know for sure is that content is consumed by everyone in different ways but, the main thing, it is consumed.

There's some ways to interact with users through a variety of channels and strategies, and personalised experience is one of the most effective.
Experiences which are personalised create higher engagement levels. More statistics about consumers are collected now than ever before; you can use it for your benefit to deliver highly targeted content who can theoretically be interested in it. It's about what a person is seeking at that particular time. This experience should not be constrained by just your website, it all starts at your very first communication with this individual before visiting your website.
A good example of a personalised experience: a student visits some kind of linguistic course pages on his laptop, and the data gathered allows you to begin showing ads to him about your linguistic courses. Getting interested the student subscribes to the email newsletter about your courses, that's a perfect result. Now marketing automation tools allow you to send highly relevant information to the prospective student that will draw his attention and will most likely inspire action.
Whatever the target is - more applications, visits, or enrolled students - personalised online-marketing is an art and you should explore the results of your marketing personalization campaigns. Real-time personalization allows you to enter into a unique dialogue with prospective students, it encourages them to take action.